April 10th
09:00 | Coffee and registration |
09.30 | Welcome and intro
Student housing, higher education and student preferences
10.45 | Break |
11.00 | From beds to third spaces Dr. Cristina Mateo, Associate Dean IE School of Architecture and DesignPanel discussion: The future of student housing and student cities |
12.00 | Lunch |
13.00 | Safety and student housing Tony Allen, Operations Director Nido Magnus Glifstam, Chief security officer Svenska BostäderDrug use among students Heiður Anna Helgadóttir, Service Manager Félagsstofnun stúdenta Margit Anne Petersen, Associate Professor, Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research, Aarhus University. |
14:45 | Break |
15:15 | City planning and sustainability in Copenhagen city Line Barfod, Mayor of Technical and Environmental Affairs at the City of CopenhagenPanel: Building sustainable and affordable |
16:15 | Conference ends |
19:00 | Nordic Dinner |
April 11th
The buses leave at 08.30 – make sure to be there ten minutes in advance.
You can take your luggage on the bus.
The coloured dot on the back of your nametag indicates which bus and group you belong to
08:30 | Study visits Tietgenkollegiet CPH Village Basecamp Lyngby (incl. lunch) |
14:40 | End of study visits |